We all have wonderful carpets in our homes and at our workplaces. With the regular usage of them, they encounter dirt, food spills, and many other such things. It becomes difficult to keep a large portion of them completely clean.

It is not a good idea to throw the whole carpet in the washing machine to remove all dust and stains from it. You can take the help of Professional Carpet Cleaning Services or Best Professional Carpet Cleaners.
The most irritable things are the oil stains and odour on our carpets. Sometimes the olive oil can stain your carpet including your hands. But do not stress yourself more as we are going to suggest many different ways for the removal of permanent oil stains in this blog.
1. Use of baking soda, cornstarch, or baby powder
There are many different ways of taking the oil stain out from your carpet. Using baking soda, cornstarch or baby powder is one of the easiest and available methods to use. These three will soak up the oil. You can use these powders with the help of a toothbrush. After spreading them on the oil stain, let the crushing particles sit for at least fifteen minutes. Later on, You can thoroughly vacuum it.
2. The use of alcohol
Alcohol can also be used to remove the oil spills from the carpets. It acts as a solvent and you can rub it on the stained area. The process of using alcohol is the same as that of using powder, let it sit on the affected area. You can use a fan to dry the area and then wash it out with water. Avoid using the use of chemical fresheners they will make your carpet moist and the situation of the stain can be worsened.
3. The elimination of olive oil stains from your carpet
Initially, you can use one dry cloth to soak up the excess olive oil from the stained area. Blot the stain rather than scrubbing it so that the stain could not reach deep into the carpet. Now cover the stain with cornstarch. The extra oil left on the affected area will be soaked up by the cornstarch. Leave it for a minimum of one hour. Now start using the stain remover that you have bought from the market. Scrub the stained area with the help of a toothbrush. Use a damp towel to soak up the excess of the product from your carpet. You can re-moisten the towel if needed. Perform the process again till you find your carpet completely clean.
4. Removal of oil from synthetic-fibre carpets and rugs
Take a small quantity of any homemade carpet cleaning solvent to a white cloth piece. Pat frequently and gently press that cloth on the stained spot for a few seconds. Clean the area by blotting it with a piece of white cloth in slightly warm water. Let the carpet dry completely for at least one hour. You will find that the stain is becoming lighter, repeat the process till the stain is gone.
5. How to treat the oil stains on natural fibre carpets and rugs
As like the process repeated in synthetic fibre carpets and rugs, you can again apply some solvent onto a white cloth then pat. Spread some detergent solution on the stain and then clean with a dry cloth. Spray some lukewarm water. Wait for at least one hour and again repeat the procedure if needed.
Why Choose Carpet Cleaning Burwood As Your Professional Cleaners? Our company has always promised its clients to serve in their oil stain removal issues and we continue to do so. You can call us for help and our staff will get back to you quickly and efficiently as soon as possible even for your Office Carpet Cleaning work. Our professionals are dedicated and will solve your issues after knowing your problem well.